Friday, December 19, 2008

The Making of a Holiday Card

My idea was to do something in the 1950s/60s style. I started with Julius Shulman's photo of Pierre Koenig's Case Study House #21.

Since our couch is a similar style and the same color as the cushions (and we have the cushions), I did a self-timed photo shoot in my 1950s cocktail dress with the cats. Since the cats weren't always the most cooperative (the whoosh of my skirt as I quickly sat down tended to scare Titchou), I had to do several takes.

A cat added here, a head added there and several deletions of parts of the original image later, I had our first test card that I ran through many Photoshop filters to get a designed vs. photo feel.

Next was making the card festive. I recently saw a black and white photo of the modern metal hanging Christmas tree that Matt's Dza Dza (Polish for grandfather) made decades ago. Matt's father scanned the image and sent it to me.

Since it was black and white, I went in search of color images of ornaments like the ones on the tree.

Then of course we needed presents to open.

The final touch was downloading a 1950s font. I was happily surprised to find a plethora of free fonts in this style. I went with Fontdinerdotcom Sparkly and was very pleased with the results.

After 10+ hours of Photoshopping, photo shoots and perusing images on the web, here's our holiday card.

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