Sunday, December 14, 2008

Lesser Goldfinch

This Lesser Goldfinch hung out long enough on the bush in Matt's parents' front yard for us to be able to get the camera and take an embarrassing amount of photos. It would be nice if all of the birds Matt and I tried to identify were so accommodating--showing us all their sides so we could get a view of the nape, scapulars, median coverts, greater coverts, tertials, gonys, and eye rings. In case you are wondering, I copied those terms out of the guide book--I haven't memorized them yet, let alone used them to identify birds. I do have head, bill, leg and wing down! I'm hoping to volunteer counting birds this winter at Cabrillo National Monument in Point Loma, as they provide training in bird identification. I hope they are master trainers, else their counts might be wildly off this winter.

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