Monday, April 14, 2008

Back On The Guest List Again

Much easier to get a decent photo of our tickets than Mark Farina.

One of the perks of working at KCRW was getting on the guest list for music and other events. The not waiting in line was nice, but the real benefit was not having to layout money for acts that I wasn't sure I would like. If I buy a ticket, I certainly feel pressure to get to the venue earlier and stay long enough to see my money's worth–even if the event isn't entertaining. So being on the guest list made me more adventuresome, knowing that I could stay for as little time as I wanted.

Well, I was certain that my guest list days were over--except for the occasional KCRW Presents show that I'll put posters up for in San Diego. However, two weekends ago Matt's coworker got us on the list for an Om Music event—which we were denied entry to because we arrived after the guest list closed and Matt was wearing a sweatshirt. Whatever. Then last weekend, I met two of my classmates (Intro. to Sustainability at UCSD Extension) who promote GIANT events in San Diego. They kindly offered to put Matt and me on the guest list for Mark Farina last Friday night. Even though we arrived at 1am (Matt was working--blargh), the guest list was still open. We were able to enjoy an hour of Farina's set before we admitted that we were tired. Luckily his selections were much more danceable (upbeat, housey) than the last few times we saw him.

Oh, the title of this blog should be sung to the tune of Steve Winwood's 'Back in the High Life Again.'

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