Monday, October 20, 2008

Bayside Park

Bayside Park, part of the rail to trail network--Matt choosing to walk the rails.

About two weeks ago, Matt and I geared up for bird watching and headed down to the Tijuana Estuary Reserve, but upon arriving, the volunteer told us that they hadn't seen many birds yet this fall. She suggested a park about a mile north along the southern edge of San Diego Bay. The park. aptly named Bayside, is very small, a couple of blocks abutting houses and apartments, and it is part of The National Rail-Trail Network. The non-profit works to turn unused railways into trails: good idea and great in practice. This stretch is a popular cycling path.

Great Egret and American Widgeons. Marbled Godwit and Willet.

We immediately saw Snowy Egrets, Great Egrets, Brown Pelicans, Great Blue Herons and a mixture of other shorebirds and waterfowl. The find of the day was the Little Blue Heron who was hunting along the shoreline (the "methodical hunter" description is very accurate). The beautiful heron came within three feet of us during its journey, and it wasn't bothered by us at all. We got so excited as it got closer--super nerdy of us, I know. While not unheard of, Little Blue Herons are not common to the area.

Little Blue Heron.

It was nice to have a quiet place to set-up the spotting scope and have time to study the birds. We're getting to know the egrets, herons, pelicans, Willets, and Marbled Godwits quite well. We'll need a bit more time to be able to correctly identify the grebe and sparrow we saw. Luckily San Diego offers an extensive range of local, state and national parks and reserves to attract them and their feathered friends.

Willets (black and white wings) and Marbled Godwits took flight as we neared.

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